Chico World Cuisine

Ali Baba

  • 138 Broadway St, Chico, CA 95928
(530) 345-5000
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Ali Baba serves Syr­i­an and Syr­i­an-inspired dish­es made with spices that have been care­ful­ly select­ed and import­ed from the Mid­dle East to ensure the fla­vors are his­tor­i­cal­ly perfect.

Made from authen­tic recipes passed down through the fam­i­ly, the love of fam­i­ly and cul­ture is infused in the fla­vors in every care­ful­ly rolled dol­ma (stuffed grape leaf), and the aro­mat­ic Bas­mati rice is pre­pared with exact­ly the right spices to enhance rather than com­pete the fla­vors of the fresh­est ingredients. 

Ali Baba invites its guests to join in the fam­i­ly of mankind as they par­take of the food that grew out of the first civ­i­liza­tion of human history.

Ali Baba