
Hiking, Biking, Fishing, & Floating

Whether you are look­ing for sun-soaked lake days or thrilling bike rides and epic hik­ing trails, adven­ture is at your fin­ger­tips. Butte Coun­ty is a place where out­door recre­ation is as eas­i­ly acces­si­ble as it is spec­tac­u­lar. Explore our off-the-beat­en-path nat­ur­al won­ders and ready-for-any­one adven­tures for an out­door expe­ri­ence you won’t soon forget.


Share pho­tos and videos of your adven­tures with us direct­ly or on Insta­gram using #Explore­But­te­Coun­ty for a chance to be featured!



Butte Coun­ty has miles of hik­ing trails run­ning through the region, and you can spend a life­time explor­ing them – so make sure to plan your return trips!

Explore Hiking

Boat­ing & Floating

With over 41 square miles of water, Lake Oroville, the Feath­er Riv­er, and more, Butte Coun­ty is a water recre­ation par­adise, per­fect for boat­ing, float­ing, fish­ing, and more!

Explore Rafting / kayaking


Whether it’s leisure, com­pe­ti­tion, road cycling, or moun­tain bik­ing — if it’s on two wheels, chances are good that you’ll find a great ride in Butte County.

Explore Biking
Explore /Outdoor