Overlooking Butte Creek Canyon in Chico CA

Wild­fire Season

There is Cur­rent­ly an Active Fire in Chico

Updat­ed 7/26/24 at 12:46pm

The Park Fire in Upper Bid­well Park is at 178,090 acres as of 12:34pm Fri­day 726. Find updates from Cal Fire on their website or Face­book page .

Please avoid vis­it­ing Upper Bid­well Park, and fol­low all direc­tions giv­en by offi­cials in and around the affect­ed areas. 

Watch Duty app: Get real-time fire updates (for any coun­ty): Android iOS

Road Clo­sures

  • Route 32 at the junc­tion with State Route 36 in Tehama Coun­ty and at Bruce Road in Butte County
  • Cohas­set Rd. at Rock Creek, Upper Park Rd. at Wildwood
  • Keefer & Hicks
  • Hicks & Oasis
  • Hicks & Spyglass
  • Forks of the Butte Bridge
  • 32 & Yosemite (East­bound only)
  • 99 & Meridian
  • 32 & Upper Humboldt
  • Meridian/​Butte Tehama Line
  • Cohasset/​Eaton
  • Sky­way at Humboldt

If you are evac­u­at­ing from the Stir­ling City and Mag­a­lia areas, please go SOUTH on Sky­way. Do NOT evac­u­ate north.

Evac­u­a­tion Zones

Dozens of evac­u­a­tion orders and warn­ings are in place in both Butte Coun­ty and Tehama Coun­ty: Butte Coun­ty zones Tehama Coun­ty zones

Evac­u­a­tion Center

Neigh­bor­hood Church 2801 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico

Ani­mal Shelters

Small Ani­mal Shel­ter: 2279 Del Oro, Oroville

Large Ani­mal Shel­ter: Camelot Eques­tri­an Park 1985 Clark Road, Oroville

Lodg­ing Availability

If you were evac­u­at­ed and are look­ing for hotel rooms, please get updat­ed infor­ma­tion about lodg­ing availability across Butte County.

For Your Information

  • We encour­age trav­el­ers to con­tact busi­ness­es they wish to vis­it before trav­el­ing to deter­mine their cur­rent sta­tus of operation.
  • Butte County’s Mediter­ranean cli­mate, dis­tin­guished by cool, wet win­ters and hot, dry sum­mers, cre­ates con­di­tions that are ide­al for agri­cul­ture, but also may result in occa­sion­al sea­son­al weath­er-relat­ed events.
  • Butte Coun­ty is a large region encom­pass­ing near­ly 1,700 square miles. Most often weath­er-relat­ed issues occur in one por­tion of the coun­ty with the great major­i­ty of the area com­plete­ly unaffected.
  • When trav­el­ing to any des­ti­na­tion, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the peak time peri­ods for weath­er-relat­ed events, vis­i­tors should be aware of the poten­tial for a sit­u­a­tion that will require imme­di­ate action. All trav­el-relat­ed cau­tions should be con­sid­ered when mak­ing arrange­ments for any trip. 
  • Trav­el­ers should con­sult a rep­utable trav­el­er check­list such as the fol­low­ing before trav­el­ing: Trav­el­ers from abroad click here and domes­tic trav­el­ers click here .
  • Should media reports men­tion Butte Coun­ty Coun­ty and you have ques­tions, con­sult either your lodg­ing prop­er­ty, Butte Coun­ty 211 (18669163566 if you’re from out­side of Butte Coun­ty), or Explore Butte Coun­ty at (530) 9184585 or on social media via Face­book and Insta­gram for updat­ed and accu­rate information.
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