Durham Getaway Artist Vineyards Wineries

Wine Tasting in the Durham Wine District

Since 2018, the Durham Wine Dis­trict has been delight­ing wine enthu­si­asts in Butte Coun­ty. With four winer­ies with­in six miles of each oth­er, the Durham Wine Dis­trict is a great des­ti­na­tion for a day trip. The soil and cli­mate of Durham and Butte Coun­ty is great for grow­ing a vari­ety of crops, and grapes thrive in the envi­ron­ment. The vint­ners and wine­mak­ers at each loca­tion are not only proud of their own wines but also of the lev­el of crafts­man­ship of their fel­low pro­duc­ers, which they’ll tell you as they hap­pi­ly pro­mote each other’s tast­ing rooms

With­in the Durham Wine Dis­trict, the tast­ing rooms and wines are dis­tinct­ly dif­fer­ent, so vis­i­tors can engage in a wide vari­ety of wines and expe­ri­ences, all with­in 10 min­utes of each oth­er and just 15 min­utes from Down­town Chico. 

Almen­dra Win­ery & Distillery

Almen­dra Win­ery & Dis­tillery fea­tures 18 dif­fer­ent local­ly grown wines from the Bertagna Son Kissed Vine­yards and Almen­dra Win­ery brands. Step into the beau­ti­ful tast­ing room and sam­ple a wine or spir­it flight. The full-ser­vice fam­i­ly friend­ly restau­rant serves small plates, sal­ads, gourmet piz­zas and sea­son­al spe­cials fea­tur­ing local­ly grown prod­ucts. The full bar spe­cial­izes in Almendra’s Mon­key Face Spir­its, which are dis­tilled on-site in the beau­ti­ful cop­per still.

Wine Tasting in the Durham Wine District

Gale Vine­yards

Inspired by wine­mak­ing tech­niques per­fect­ed over cen­turies in places like France, Italy, and Spain, Gale Vine­yards makes award-win­ning, hand­craft­ed wines that are made in small batch­es from only the finest, care­ful­ly select­ed grapes at their Durham win­ery. First plant­ed in the spring of 2001, their vines have been a labor of love from the very begin­ning. Gale Vine­yards is known for craft­ing wines that are deli­cious­ly rich and fruity, with soft tan­nins and a sup­ple fin­ish. Their offer­ing boasts a num­ber of unique, and art­ful­ly aged wines — from their light and refresh­ing Rose di Prim­i­ti­vo (per­fect for warm sum­mer days) to the rich, earthy, Tem­pranil­lo, you’ll undoubt­ed­ly find a fla­vor to fit.

Nascere Vine­yards

Nascere Vine­yards farms 3.5 acres of organ­ic Ital­ian vari­etals of Bar­bera, San­giovese, and Pinot Gri­gio grapes. The fer­tile soils of the North­ern Sacra­men­to Val­ley ter­rain is well suit­ed for these vari­etals because of the hot sum­mer days and cool nights that come from being nes­tled between the vast wal­nut orchards that pro­vide great tem­per­a­ture swings at night dur­ing the grow­ing sea­sons. Nascere Vine­yards takes pride in prac­tic­ing sus­tain­able farm­ing with its grapes to ensure qual­i­ty in every cluster.