Bangor Getaway Artist Vineyards Wineries

The Best Wineries in the Bangor Wine & Spirits Region

Since 2016, the Ban­gor Wine & Spir­its Region has been a des­ti­na­tion for a great day trip for wine and spir­its enthu­si­asts look­ing to try new North­ern Cal­i­for­nia wine. Home to two winer­ies and a dis­tillery with­in 10 miles of each oth­er, each of the south­ern Butte Coun­ty loca­tions makes their prod­ucts from region­al Sier­ra Foothill grapes.

With both loca­tion open for tast­ings Sat­ur­days and Sun­days Noon-5pm, what­ev­er week­end you come, you’ll always be able to get a glass to enjoy with friends and loved ones.

Ban­gor Ranch Vine­yard & Winery

Ban­gor Ranch Vine­yard & Win­ery has been espe­cial­ly designed with both qual­i­ty and sus­tain­abil­i­ty in mind. Their meth­ods mean that Ban­gor Ranch pro­duces grapes with greater inten­si­ty, improved col­or, and more com­plex fla­vor pro­files while using min­i­mal chem­i­cals. Come taste the dif­fer­ence for yourself!

The Best Wineries in the Bangor Wine & Spirits Region

Hick­man Fam­i­ly Vineyards

A start-up win­ery locat­ed in the oak-stud­ded Sier­ra Neva­da foothills, Hick­man Fam­i­ly Vine­yards is the prod­uct of the family’s love affair with wine. The Hick­man fam­i­ly is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able farm­ing meth­ods and farm their vine­yards with­out pes­ti­cides or chemicals.

The Best Wineries in the Bangor Wine & Spirits Region
Hickman Family Vineyards

Cob­ble Ridge Distillery

At Cob­ble Ridge Dis­tillery, enjoy arti­san, qual­i­ty spir­its made with local­ly sourced ingre­di­ents in small batch­es. Exclu­sive­ly sold online or right from the dis­tillery, you can enjoy the field-to-flask” expe­ri­ence with an on-site tasting.