Oroville Outdoor Adventurer Boating Rafting / Kayaking Fishing Camping State & Regional Parks

Lake Oroville: A Water Wonder

The sec­ond largest reser­voir in Cal­i­for­nia cre­at­ed by the largest earth­en and tallest dam in the coun­try, the Lake Oroville State Recre­ation Area is a out­door recre­ation paradise.

Lake Oroville was cre­at­ed by Oroville Dam, which the Cal­i­for­nia Depart­ment of Water Resources com­plet­ed in 1967 after five years of con­struc­tion. When Lake Oroville is at its max­i­mum ele­va­tion, it includes some 15,500 sur­face acres for recre­ation and 167 miles of shore­line. Recre­ation areas are spot­ted around the lake and boaters can land at any point to explore the sur­round­ing country.

The lake offers a wide vari­ety of out­door activ­i­ties includ­ing camp­ing, pic­nick­ing, horse­back rid­ing, hik­ing, sail and pow­er boat­ing, water-ski­ing, fish­ing, swim­ming, boat-in camp­ing, float­ing camp­sites and horse camping.

Boat­ing & Floating

The lake con­tains 167 miles of shore­line, pro­vid­ing plen­ty of seclud­ed coves and beach­es for swim­mers, snorkel­ers and pic­nick­ers, as well as adven­tur­ous boaters and fish­er­men to explore. The reser­voir is also home to incred­i­ble house boat­ing, water­ski­ing, pad­dle board­ing and kayak­ing. Explore the upper arm of the reser­voir to catch a view of 410-foot Feath­er Falls.

Look­ing to launch? Find the sta­tus of the launch ramps here .

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Nation­al­ly renowned for its supreme bass fish­ing, Bass­mas­ter Mag­a­zine called Lake Oroville the best bass fish­ing spot in Cal­i­for­nia.” In addi­tion to both large­mouth and small­mouth bass, the lake is also home to Chi­nook salmon, cat­fish, mack­i­naw, stur­geon, white crap­pie, rain­bow and brown trout. Fish­ing is open all year but a Cal­i­for­nia sport fish­ing license is required. Check at the park for slot lim­it” reg­u­la­tions for black bass.

Swim­ming & Paddling

Look­ing to keep clos­er to shore? South­west of the lake, the North Fore­bay fea­tures a day-use area with pic­nic tables, a swim­ming beach, and calm waters per­fect for sail­boats, canoes, and kayaks, which you can rent at the near­by Fore­bay Aquat­ic Cen­ter.

Lake Oroville: A Water Wonder

Hik­ing, Camp­ing, and More

If you’ve nev­er explored its shores, you’re miss­ing out on miles of well-groomed easy and mod­er­ate hik­ing trails around Lake Oroville, many of which have lake views and are eques­tri­an-friend­ly (check out the horse camp­grounds at Loafer Creek!). Many of the trails con­nect to the var­i­ous camp­grounds around the lake, so you can explore dur­ing the day and return direct­ly to your tent in the evening.

And if want to learn more about the lake, the dam that cre­ates it, their influ­ence and impact on the city and Sacra­men­to Val­ley, and more, a vis­it to the Lake Oroville Vis­i­tor Cen­ter is a must.