Chico Outdoor Adventurer Hiking

Llama Hikes with Happy Homestead

Take a load off (lit­er­al­ly) with a spring­time hike from Hap­py Home­stead Llamas . With a lla­ma by your side car­ry­ing your gear, you can enjoy any hik­ing adven­ture with­out the heavy weight on your back.

Lla­ma Day Hikes in Upper Bid­well Park

Join Hap­py Home­stead and their lla­mas in the pop­u­lar Upper Bid­well Park. Whether you’re look­ing for some­thing chal­leng­ing or more leisure­ly, Hap­py Home­stead can go at any pace you’d like. Hikes are avail­able on select dates Feb­ru­ary through April annually.

Your guide will lead you across trails fea­tur­ing sweep­ing vis­tas, var­i­ous rock for­ma­tions, cliffs, views of Butte Creek Canyon, and, of course, plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for lla­ma self­ies. You’ll also enjoy a brief his­to­ry of Bid­well Park, its topog­ra­phy, and ear­ly set­tle­ment with­in the area. At the half way point, enjoy a break with char­cu­terie and refresh­ments to rest your feet and enjoy the llamas.

What’s Also Included:

  • Well-trained lla­ma companions
  • Pho­tog­ra­phy opportunities
  • Chairs and table for your back-coun­try lunch
  • Char­cu­terie (please list any dietary preferences)
  • Refresh­ments (the park does not allow us to bring alcohol)
  • A lla­ma gift to go home with

Get Ready for Your Hike

A day hike in Bid­well Park costs $800 for up to 4 peo­ple, plus a $100 non-refund­able desposit to secure your date. Max­i­mum of 4 hik­ers for any out­ing. Must be at least 10 years old to par­tic­i­pate and accom­pa­nied by an adult.

  • Dura­tion: 4 hours
  • Dif­fi­cul­ty: Mod­er­ate to Dif­fi­cult (min­i­mum age 10 years old)
  • Ter­rain and Trail: Well-main­tained trail, loose rocks, pos­si­ble mud and water, uneven ground, sloped
  • Ele­va­tion gain/​loss: approx­i­mate­ly 1,000
  • Dis­tance: 2 – 7 miles (your out­ing can go at what­ev­er pace and dis­tance to match your desired outcome)

Plan Your Hike

Learn more and book your next adventure! 

Lla­ma hikes are avail­able Feb­ru­ary through April on select dates

Book Now

Lla­ma Rentals

Look­ing for a curi­ous and gen­tle pack part­ner for your next adven­ture? You can rent a llama to take with you to your destination.

About the Llamas

Ccara lla­mas offer sure foot­ing, are able to car­ry what­ev­er load need­ed dur­ing your hike, easy on trails, and are easy to han­dle, kid-friend­ly, calm and curi­ous. They’re the per­fect com­pan­ion on your next hike! 

Meet the llamas!

Llama Hikes with Happy Homestead