Oroville Agritourism & Locally Grown Farms

Experience the Best of Oroville Citrus

Oroville’s cit­rus sto­ry start­ed in 1856 with the plant­i­ng of the Moth­er Orange Tree and grew into a flour­ish­ing indus­try. While today’s local indus­try is small, it still packs a fla­vor­ful punch, with grow­ers across Oroville pro­duc­ing fresh man­darins, oranges, lemons, and grape­fruits every winter.

So learn more about the city’s local grow­ers and get ready to pick up ripe-from-the-tree cit­rus Novem­ber through Feb­ru­ary. The exact dates for the sea­son always change, so make sure to check out each far­m’s web­site or Face­book for the lat­est updates.


Oroville is best known for its deli­cious man­darins, which are avail­able start­ing in Novem­ber through Decem­ber, mak­ing them a favorite hol­i­day treat. 

Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch

845 Mt. Ida Road

Mt. Ida Man­darin Ranch offers three vari­eties of Sat­sumas on the prop­er­ty, which are are sweet, easy to peel, and excel­lent for eat­ing or juic­ing. All of the man­darins are tree-ripened, hand-picked, and shipped the day they come off the tree.

2024/2025 Hours: Dai­ly 10am-5pm, until sold out.

Experience the Best of Oroville Citrus

Tri‑L Man­darin Ranch

Mt. Ida Road (fol­low the signs)

A foothills favorite since 1995, Tri‑L Man­darin Ranch sells nev­er refrig­er­at­ed, nat­u­ral­ly tree-ripened man­darins. Vis­i­tors can buy man­darins fresh from the ranch’s show­room week­days dur­ing the har­vest sea­son or have bags, box­es, and cus­tom gift crates shipped to their home. Make sure to vis­it ear­ly, because they often sell out before Christmas.

2024/2025 Hours: Dai­ly 8am-5pm until picked out. Closed on Thanks­giv­ing and Christmas

Sei­gler Fam­i­ly Farm

4583 State High­way 99

Pre­vi­ous­ly known as Doer­ing’s Man­darins, Sei­gler Fam­i­ly Farm is con­tin­u­ing on that lega­cy with its cer­ti­fied organ­ic man­darins. The sea­sons start in Novem­ber and con­tin­ue on as long as the fruit allows.

2024/2025 Hours: Dai­ly 8am-5pm

Experience the Best of Oroville Citrus

Oth­er Citrus

Oranges, grape­fruits, lemons and lime are are avail­able lat­er in the sea­son, and gen­er­al­ly avail­able through February.

Morse Farms

8 Feath­er­vale Dr.

Come Jan­u­ary and Feb­ru­ary, Morse Farms is the place to be for oranges and grape­fruits along with lemons and limes.

Papa Cit­rus

319 Cir­cle Dr.

Fea­tur­ing some of the best naval oranges around, Papa Cit­rus always kicks off the sea­son with online pre-sales, with its local farm stand open­ing mid-Decem­ber. And with how oranges grow, you’ll taste the dif­fer­ence across the sea­son: Decem­ber oranges are sweet-tart, Jan­u­ary ones are per­fect­ly juicy, and by Feb­ru­ary, they’re sug­ary soda-like.