Oroville Outdoor Adventurer Biking Hiking State & Regional Parks Trails

Discover Potters Point

Tucked away at the north end of Oroville Dam, Pot­ters Point fea­tures a vari­ety of mixed-use trails, where you’ll find scat­tered bench­es and pic­nic tables, a num­ber of beach­es, and great ter­rain for horse and bike rid­ing, trail run­ning, hik­ing, and easy walks. 

The trail also fea­tures a for­est of pines, oaks, and some chest­nuts with an abun­dance of wildlife, includ­ing deer, rab­bit, coy­ote, turkey, and more. Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est is an eagle nest­ing area, which results in the trail’s clo­sure for a por­tion of the spring and ear­ly sum­mer months.

Find the entrance to the trail at the Oroville Dam boat launch park­ing lot.

ADA Acces­si­bil­i­ty

A por­tion of the trail, the Pot­ters Ravine Pedes­tri­an Only ADA Trail, is ADA acces­si­ble and can be accessed via dirt paths from the Spill­way Day Use Area (locat­ed on the north side of Oroville Dam).

Trip Tips

Make sure to review hik­ing best prac­tices and trail eti­quette and fol­low Leave No Trace prin­ci­ples as you explore.

Pot­ter Point Loop Trail

Start­ing at the North­east cor­ner of the park­ing lot, Pot­ters Point Loop Trail offers two routes at the trail­head: head right for the low­er and flat­ter half or left (towards Pot­ters Point) for a hard­er start (just remem­ber that it’s a loop, so you’ll end doing both options in the end!). 

At Pot­ters Point, you’ll be reward­ed with views of the Bid­well Bar Bridge (aka, the Green Bridge”) across the lake as well as views of the back­side of Oroville Dam.

For added mileage and adven­ture, explore oth­er trails you’ll encounter on the loop, includ­ing Dead Cow Ravine Trail and Pot­ters Ravine Spur.

Pot­ters Point Key Info

Trail Dif­fi­cul­ty: Mod­er­ate

Trail Length & Type: 5 mile loop

Best Used: Acces­si­ble year-round on the weekends

Dogs: Not allowed

Trail Map: Inter­ac­tive Lake Oroville map

Oth­er impor­tant info: Pedes­tri­an-only ADA trail avail­able; day-use fee required

Oth­er Links: CA State Parks Lake Oroville Trails Maps

Pot­ters Ravine and North Fork Trail

Com­bin­ing Pot­ters Point Loop with the North Fork Trail, this near­ly 19-mile loop offers beau­ti­ful trails for hik­ers and bik­ers along the hi water lev­el of Lake Oroville, which means no long up hills or down hills, just short ups and downs. While the trail is often along a steep hill, the trail is wide and most­ly smooth.

Pot­ters Ravine Key Info

Trail Dif­fi­cul­ty: Mod­er­ate

Trail Length & Type: 18.7 mile loop

Best Used: Acces­si­ble year-round on the weekends

Dogs: Not allowed

Trail Map: Inter­ac­tive Lake Oroville map

Oth­er Links: CA State Parks Lake Oroville Trails Maps