Multiple Cities Outdoor Adventurer Biking

Biking Resources in Butte County

We get it — acci­dents hap­pen. But don’t wor­ry! Whether it’s a flat, slipped chain, or for­got­ten gear, we’ve got you cov­ered. These bike shops and orga­ni­za­tions can help you out with all your bik­ing-relat­ed needs, includ­ing gear, rentals, and repairs.

Chico Velo

Chico Velo is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­mot­ing cycling in the com­mu­ni­ty through edu­ca­tion and out­reach. It’s goal is to ensure that future gen­er­a­tions can grow up in an area where it is safe to ride their bicy­cles with­out fear of theft, acci­dents, or lack of infra­struc­ture. Every child should be able to expe­ri­ence the free­dom and joy that a bicy­cle can pro­vide. Every adult should have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to either cre­ate or recre­ate that expe­ri­ence. With your help, Chico Velo is work­ing to ensure that the com­mu­ni­ty has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the joys and ben­e­fits of cycling safe­ly in North­ern Cal­i­for­nia and beyond.


Par­adise Bikes — Oroville

2100 Myers St, Oroville

Par­adise Bikes now offers two loca­tions to get the gear and repairs you need, so whether you find your­self up in the pines or by Lake Oroville, you’ll find a trust­ed shop to help you out.


Green­line Cycles

515 Main St, Chico

Green­line Cycles is a unique local bike shop locat­ed in down­town Chico CA spe­cial­iz­ing in urban com­mut­ing, moun­tain bik­ing, road cycling, and BMX bikes. 

Biking Resources in Butte County

Chico Bike Map

As a small city, Chico is eas­i­ly and quick­ly acces­si­ble by bike, mak­ing it per­fect for dai­ly com­mutes or easy two-wheeled explorations.

Plan Your Route

North Rim Adven­ture Sports

178 E 2nd St, Chico

North Rim Adven­ture Sports prides itself on being a place for fam­i­lies and friends alike to enjoy the sport of cycling and boasts the most exten­sive selec­tion of bicy­cles, com­po­nents, and acces­sories found anywhere.

Pullins Cyclery

801 Main St, Chico

In addi­tion to stan­dard tune ups and over­hauls, Pullins Cyclery offers com­plete restora­tion work and cus­tom builds for the tru­ly bicycle-obsessed.